All Abortion Testimonials
It was over 20 years ago but I still am wondering what if… I had just tried to put the baby’s life as my priority and then tried my best to get out of my abusive marriage- instead of the other way around. The outcome would still have been the same except I would have given my child the right to be born. I panicked and wanted the abortion as soon as possible because the baby would not have been fully formed yet- but working …
Me and my partner were both 23. At 18 we decided to take the chance and moved abroad. Worked hard and by ourselfs managed to get into University in a foreign country. We were solely independent, and we were sometimes even supporting our families financially. As a background, I was an orphan from a young age, my mom had an ugly depression and committed suicide when i was one, and my dad died due to an accident just a couple of years later. I lived …
I’m 40 years old and I was in such denial for over 2 decades of my life. I’ve had 8 abortions throughout my life. I am so ashamed and I am so hurt in my heart. I was trying to feed that void of not having a father present in my life. And I wanted to be loved so bad. I started drinking young as my father gave me my first sips of beers and I loved it. I would drink to get drunk and …
After reading through these stories I decided to share my current situation. Just found out a week ago I’m pregnant, 7 weeks exactly. I told the man I’m pregnant by the day I took my test it was positive, his reaction wasn’t good. I had to go to the doctor alone to confirm my pregnancy. I’ve had my ultra sound and seen my baby’s heart beating, alone. The father is pressuring an abortion on me because he has another child already that has health issue …
My love Bug
I’m 26. Recently had an abortion due to me being on a non FDA approved drug. I had been on this medication for 5 months now. Each doctor visit you’re required to take an online “test”, pregnancy test and blood test. And have two forms of birth control. Getting pregnant on this medication is a huge no-no. And what happens with me? I get pregnant. I knew the consequences while getting pregnant on this drug. I wanted to be so happy about this little bug …
Ever since I killed my little girl I have been in fear I have been shocked more traumatized then I was I thought it would not hurt I thought it would not effect me but it constantly stays in your mind when you have kids and see other kids then really messes with you because it feel not right when you get in abortion they tell you that you’re not alone but after you get it you really feel more alone you feel more confused …