I’ve never been a regular period type of girl, so my period being late 2-3 weeks is my normal. I found out I was pregnant at 11 weeks, I know what you must think… how the hell did you not know? Well, I didn’t miss one period, sure they were late but not one missed. One day, I realized my periods were 1-2 days shorter and I had what felt like menstrual cramps 24/7 so I decided to take a test… I took a digital test and the results said “Pregnant 3+ weeks”. My heart dropped, I’m married but I am in my early 20s. I instantly knew I wasn’t ready, it’s not what I wanted, it would change my entire life and a million of thoughts crossed my mind. I left the bathroom and broke the news to my husband and as soon as I did I started crying my eyes out. It’s almost been a week and I am still bleeding. I resent him, I resent him so much. Although we took this decision together, I am grieving and I feel guilty and he doesn’t seem to give a Damn. I can’t help to think I made a mistake but it’s too late, I am sad, I feel so much guilt and anger and he doesn’t seem to care. Is that it? My baby is just gone? The thing is I love my husband, I truly do but I feel like he did not care at all, I am dealing with the loss alone . I should of just ran, I should have left and kept the baby, I could have done it alone, I feel so lost and nobody around me knows. I am scared I’ll be judged. I really resent him for not caring, how can he not care? I wish I could do things differently.
I made a mistake but now it’s too late
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