Women and Men Anonymously Share their First-Hand Experiences of Abortion and the Effect that Abortion has had on their lives. Read abortion testimonials or share your experience anonymously - we will never contact you.
Abortion Testimonials
My name is matt on jan 13 2009 my son and daughter were murdered at a clinic in riverside against my wishes a planned pregnancy my ex girlfriend nicole turned …
When I was 13 I got pregnant. For months I didn’t realize anything was wrong because my period was not regular at that time. When I did go to the …
My abortion happened 20 years ago. I tried not to think about what I was doing. The abortionist came into the room and began my abortion. The nurse was leaning …
Hi fellow pro-lifer! Here is my testimony in brief: I am a post-abortive man. When I was sixteen, my then-girlfriend told me that she was pregnant. She wanted the baby, …
My biological mother was seven-and-a-half months pregnant when she decided to abort me. I don’t know why she made that decision. It was 1977. She and my biological father were …
It all happened so fast and so unexpectedly during my junior year of college: a new relationship with a young woman, an illness which turned out to be the morning …