Abortion Testimonials » All Testimonials » I Am a Pos-Abortive Man

I Am a Pos-Abortive Man

by Admin

Hi fellow pro-lifer! Here is my testimony in brief: I am a post-abortive man. When I was sixteen, my then-girlfriend told me that she was pregnant. She wanted the baby, I didn’t. I pressured her to abort, and reluctantly she did. We both paid a high price for that. I became a serious drug addict and alcoholic for the next twenty years. Only my return to Christ saved me form certain death and later, Hell. Now I have named my child and I pray in front of abortion mills with my wife, who ironically cannot have children because she thought the world was in an overpopulation crisis, so she had herself sterilised.
May God have mercy on this nation.

A Boy From Cape Cod

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1 comment

Joe B. January 9, 2014 - 8:19 pm

Thank GOD for the men who speak out on the HORROR of abortion. Abortion negatively affects us all.
