BY HIS STRIPES I AM HEALED June 2, 2021 – 10:09 am I was 15. Trapped in an abusive relationship with a grown man. I wanted to get away from him and keep my baby. I had no support and no where to go. My sister told me it would be for the best. I told her I didn’t want to do it. I should have fought harder. I sobbed the entire way to planned parenthood. I was so upset I started bleeding heavily. When they took me back to the “ operating area” ( it was just a big room divided by curtains) I told the nurse I didn’t want to go through with it. She gave me something to calm me down, and I continued crying and trying to get off the table. I will never forget her face. She looked me in the eyes and and said “ you don’t want to do this do you?” I said no and she held my hand. The Dr came in. He said nothing and began the procedure. I am haunted not knowing if I was having a miscarriage or if my baby was still alive. I have regretted this EVER SINGLE DAY of my life! If you are thinking of abortion , PLEASE seek out adoption. There are so many people who would happily cover your living expenses etc for the chance to love your baby. There are options! Even if you are all alone, there are resources to help you. Do NOT believe the lies that mainstream media and PP want you to believe. They are evil and want to destroy God’s creation. I pray God forgives me and that someday I’ll see my baby in heaven. It’s been 26 years and I will never forget.
The Pain Never Goes Away
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