All Abortion Testimonials
As the procedure came near the end, in a panic I sat trying to get out of there. I wanted to scream from the pain, from the guilt of what I was doing. The doctor yelled at me to lay down. But before I did, I looked in the gray plastic container where my dead baby was laying. He was torn to pieces, arms and legs severed and ripped from his small body. The nurse told me the body parts had to be accounted for …
I had an abortion on April 30, 2004. This day was horrifying for me. I was married with a 2 year old at the time. My ex-husband and I were going through a very rough time, and I wound up having an affair. I wound up pregnant immediately, but was happy, nonetheless. This was a wanted child. I went to Planned Parenthood in Milwaukee for a pregnancy test. It was suggested that I come back for a follow-up appointment. At the next appointment a few …
On September 11, 2000, I had an abortion. It was a forced abortion. I was 17 at the time. I had told my mom that I was pregnant 4 days prior to the abortion. Those 4 days leading up were some of the worst days of my life. My mother beat me with a telephone and forced me to take pills to try and make me miscarry. When that did not work she forced me to drink castor oil. Of course that did not work …
My baby was aborted 45 years ago. It wasn’t legal then, but was done by a doctor. After it, I hemorrhaged so badly that I almost died too. At the time the hype was that it was just a bunch of cells until you had been pregnant for a certain length of time. After the abortion, I never having done drugs before, was plunged into a drug world that lasted several years. I also drank an awful lot of alcohol. I did marry the man …
I was 17 when I had an abortion. I was very naive about sex and how to get pregnant. I believed my boyfriend when he told me that I wouldn’t get pregnant. I was terrified to tell my parents. I was told that if I ever got pregnant to not come home. I wouldn’t be welcomed. SoI dared not tell anyone. I believed that they would disown me. My boyfriend left for the military and I was left alone to deal with the “problem”. I …
I should have been aborted. My mother had miscarriages before I was conceived and she was told that it would be no different with me. This was in the mid 1974 a year after Roe V Wade when abortion was growing in popularity as a means to an end. My mother chose life, she declared that I mattered even if I may not survive, even if she herself may be damaged in the process of bring my life into existence. Today all the advice would …