At the age of 21 (we were married 1972) Our daughter was born June 1974. She was less than 6 mos. old -a COLIC baby when I was pregnant again- due Aug ‘75. On April 3 my had borrowed the $275 to take care of the procedure I have as hoping he would give the $ back and he was hoping I would change my mind He had dropped me off And when he returned… other than saying I had gone thru with it It was a quiet ride home … 😞 After Over 45 years I wonder – was that my son ? What would that person have become ? In 1980. God gave us another daughter and they have been told – funny how they said they always felt like someone was missing As a Believer I know I will see that 2nd child one day …. but there has and will continue to be that emptiness until then. I wish I could go back to Feb 3, 1975.
Feb. 3. 1975