It’s hard to know where to start. I ask God for the words I write. If one person sees them and decides to keep their baby, I hope and pray it will go towards forgiveness for my own. I was born in California 1961. Following the sex, drugs and good people that did bad things crowd. Believing in God, but not yet receiving the Holy Spirit. As a teen, I learned of PP. We all thought it was really cool to be able to go get condoms and Birth control pills(wasn’t thinking of abortion at that time) without our parents consent. As a parent now, that’s is an outrageous thing. It was also unclear to many what stage was the baby considered a human. I was in a relationship with a married(having problems and dissolving)person, and got pregnant. My thinking at the time was…I don’t want it to be a trap and felt I wasn’t ready. With the thought of Going in and doing it early before it was a person. It wasn’t until many years later, after having a child, I was taking a shower, it hit me so hard(The Holy Spirit)!! I couldn’t breathe and couldn’t stop sobbing. I felt my soul was doomed to Hell! At the time, many family members read scripture and would tell me, God will forgive me. But, when it comes to the time to meet God, It will be between him and me. I pray and ask for forgiveness everyday. My heart is heavy and I grieve over the loss all the time. I made my choice. I can’t take it back. I think I would have chosen differently if there hadn’t have been a Planned Parenthood!!! I will accept any prayers for my soul. And pray this reaches many people and saves even one baby. I pray In Jesus name for all who do not know. Amen You can’t take it back!!
Lord forgive those who did not know….
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Check out Rachel’s Vineyard ministry a ministry of the Catholic Church. It is a weekend retreat where you can share your pain openly and receive Christ’s forgiveness. “Come let us reason together. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they be red as crimson, they shall be as wool.” Isaiah Chapter 1 verse 18. There’s no sin too big for Him not to forgive. He shed His blood for all of our sins. God bless you and yours.
Dear Sister, please rest in God’s Word which says that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from unrighteousness. While I do not know the pain you are feeling, I do know what it’s like to be in sexual sin and ask for forgiveness myself. When I think of ( or the enemy brings up my past) it is a continual prayer. But I believe we also have to rest in God’s promises to us. The enemy comes to condemn while the Holy Spirit convicts and if you are in Christ Jesus, there is no condemnation! We are new creations in Christ Jesus and the old has passed away, all things have become new!