Women and Men Anonymously Share their First-Hand Experiences of Abortion and the Effect that Abortion has had on their lives. Read abortion testimonials or share your experience anonymously - we will never contact you.
Abortion Testimonials
I was 19, living with my cold Stepfather and overprotective Mom, who still saw me as a child. I had no self-esteem & no self-worth— STILL DON’T. I had my …
I am 70 years old; I had an abortion 30 years ago. I still regret my abortion every day of my life. I think about the baby that I aborted. …
Yesterday was the one year anniversary of me having an abortion. I was 9 weeks along. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t regret my choice …
Here I am… I abort my 6 months baby boy…. I regrets it alot… I am a very bad mom…. I can’t take it anymore… Its have been 3 years …
The emotional damage is getting out of hand I’m hating myself, just why can’t I fight for the innocence baby? Just why can’t I heard the voiceless baby?
by AdminI’m 24 and had an #abortion last month… I was confused and naive, my sister told me not to disgrace our family, I couldn’t fight for my tiny one, and …
I got myself into an unhealthy relationship, full of partying, sin and pain. Being a mom has always been my greatest passion- I knew whenever the time would come, I …